Corporate Secretary Service

Your Comprehensive Corporate Secretary Service in Indonesia Corporate Secretary responsible for assuring the company stays in compliance with both regulatory and statutory requirements while also executing all of the decisions, resolutions and changes put forth by the corporation’s Board of Directors. With portcorp you can get a dedicate corporate secretary to support you with what [...]

Company Incorporation

Company Incorporation Starting a business in Indonesia is an exciting opportunity but can also be challenging. With so many options available, it can be hard to know who to trust and how to save money. The demand for Indonesia Company Incorporation services to incorporate Indonesia company continues to accelerate, therefore we are here to help [...]

Import Into Indonesia

Import Into Indonesia Importers need to have an import license and importer identification number. If the importer intends to import without an import license, then they would need to apply for a special permit for importing without API to Indonesia Ministry of Trade. In addition to those documents additional certificates are often required by technical [...]

Business Visa

Business Visa If you are visiting Indonesia for business purposes and do not intend to earn any profit, you will need a multiple-entry business visa or a single-entry business visa. An Indonesian business visa is a specific kind of visa that enables visitors to enter the country and engage in business-related activities, such as attending [...]

Working Permit

Working Permit If you plan on staying and working long-term in Indonesia, a work permit is the only document that grants you to do so legally. Keep in mind that the bureaucratic process to obtain a work permit in Indonesia is quite complicated. It involves multiple government agencies such as the immigration office and the [...]

Retirement Visa

Retirement Visa Foreign retirees often find their plans stuck due to the complex visa application process. Hand over your retirement visa application to us, and you can just sit tight This type of visa has a lot of benefits, which other residential visas do not allow, such as: You can open an Indonesian bank account [...]